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How To Accept None For String Type Field When Using Flask-restplus

I am just starting develop with flask-restplus and I am not a native speaker, but I will try to describe my question as clear as I can. I know there is a fields module in flask th

Solution 1:

Yes, you can create a child class and use it instead of default ones, which will accept None as well

class NullableString(fields.String):
    __schema_type__ = ['string', 'null']
    __schema_example__ = 'nullable string'

So your code will look like

{ "property": NullableString(attribute=value)}

Additionally you can visit the issue

Solution 2:

if some of your fields are optional then make required=False

add_group = api.model(
        {"team_groups": fields.List(fields.Nested(api.model("team_groups", {
            "name": fields.String(example="chicago bulls", description="name of add group"),
            "display_name": fields.String(example="bulls", description="display name of add group", required=False)})))})

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