Fill A 2d List With Random Numbers In Python
I have created a function to fill a 2D array, but it does not work as intended: from random import * def fill_matrix(maxrow, maxcol): mymatrix = [ [ None ] * maxrow ] * maxcol
Solution 1:
when you do arr= [[None]*2]*3
you create a list with 3 lists referencing to same list. so if one list changes all the other ones will change. So replace mymatrix = [ [ None ] * maxrow ] * maxcol
mymatrix = [ [ Nonefor i inrange (maxrow) ] for j inrange (maxcol)]
Solution 2:
Try using numpy
import numpy as np
Solution 3:
you can try it
import numpy as nplist2D= (np.random.random((N,N))).tolist()
output, when N=5:
[[0.5443335192306711, 0.06610164916627725, 0.9464264551530688,
0.8714989296172226, 0.343053651834623], [0.4694855513495554,
0.9109844708363358, 0.9857587537047011, 0.7607561949627727,
0.46307440609410333], [0.050891396239376996, 0.13672955575820833,
0.8549886951728779, 0.8803310239366302, 0.04983877880553622],
[0.3503177755755804, 0.08222507697906556, 0.7144017087408304,
0.6117493050623465, 0.68059136839199], [0.2244599257314427,
0.06203059400599176, 0.9342379337438128, 0.5204524652150645, 0.44055560620795253]]
see this link: enter link description here
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