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Attributeerror: 'module' Object Has No Attribute 'computation'

Im trying to use Keras (Sequential) but I get the following error when I try to import it: File '', line 3, in from keras.models import Se

Solution 1:

Update dask to 0.15.0 will solve the issue

update cmd: conda update dask

input pip show dask will show follow message

Name: daskVersion: 0.15.0Summary: Parallel PyData with Task SchedulingHome-page: Matthew RocklinAuthor-email: mrocklin@gmail.comLicense: BSDLocation: c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packagesRequires:

Solution 2:

dask-0.14.3 works and eliminates the import error

Solution 3:

I reverted back to Pandas 0.19.2 and it resolved this problem.

Solution 4:

The full command I use is

conda install pandas=0.19.2

and answer y to downgrade the pandas and it worked now.

Solution 5:

I had installed below versions:

  • python 3.5
  • tensorflow 1.2.1
  • pandas 0.21
  • dask 0.15.3

and was getting the following error:

AttributeError: 'module'object has no attribute 'expressions'

I downgraded to pandas 0.19.2 and dask 0.15.0 and the python script worked fine!

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