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Phyton3 Pip And Pyautogui Install Mac -remove Broken Python

having jumped into java development a year ago, i now struggle myself thru terminal commands and try to get the red line in it. I now want to set up python3 and pyautogui following

Solution 1:

Download proper installer of python 3: Python3

Install Xcode (get it from Xcode) if you don't have it yet.

Point xcode-select to the Xcode Developer directory using the following command:

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

Open command line and navigate to python3 directory:



sudo pip3 install pyobjc-framework-Quartz
sudo pip3 install pyobjc-core
sudo pip3 install pyobjc
pip3 install pyautogui

Try your installation from the command line, type:

import pyautogui

If everything is fine you won't have an import error. I hope it helps.

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