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Gdoc Python Api Import Failure

When I try to use gDoc python API following instruction at python_client_lib I got below error: In [3]: import gdata ---------------------------------------------------------------

Solution 1:

I was able to rectify this issue by removing all traces of atom from my Python installation and installing the latest gdata release (2.0.18) (using from here.

That release includes a version of atom, with the necessary LinkFinder class definition.

It's obviously an issue if you need the separate, more recent atom, in which case you'll have to use virtualenv.

Solution 2:

Based on the previous recommendations. I installed the latest version of atom via pip. That did the trick for me.

pip install atom

Solution 3:

Just had the same problem.

Issue was due to having atom-0.3.5 installed.

It can be solved by installing pyatom instead of the (optimised, c-implemented) atom

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