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Find Min Value Column And Min Value Column Name In Python Dataframe

I have a matrix like below and I need to create 2 more columns with minimum value from columns COL01-04 and name of that column (exluding NaN): In[1]: matrix Out[1]: ID CO

Solution 1:

Use DataFrame.min and DataFrame.idxmin with axis=1 for check values per rows:

c = ['COL01', 'COL02', 'COL03', 'COL04']
matrix[c] = matrix[c].apply(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x, errors='coerce'))

matrix['Min_val'] = matrix[c].min(axis=1)
matrix['Min_col'] = matrix[c].idxmin(axis=1)

Or for new columns use DataFrame.assign:

matrix = matrix.assign(Min_val = matrix[c].min(axis=1), Min_col=matrix[c].idxmin(axis=1))

print(matrix)IDCOL01COL02COL03COL04Min_valMin_col01NaN1662  1583.0  1697.40   1583.0   COL0312NaN1006  1476.0  1018.44   1006.0   COL02231452.0   1487  2197.5  1516.27   1452.0   COL0134NaN1554  2298.0  1585.62   1554.0   COL02

Solution 2:

you can try this :

    value = sr[name]
    return pd.Series([value, name])
df[['Min_val','Min_col']] = df[['COL01','COL02','COL03','COL04']].apply(lambda x : get_col(x), axis=1)


     ID   COL01  COL02   COL03    COL04  Min_val Min_col
0  0001     NaN   16621583.01697.401583.0   COL03
1  0002     NaN   10061476.01018.441006.0   COL02
2  0003  1452.014872197.51516.271452.0   COL01
3  0004     NaN   15542298.01585.621554.0   COL02

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