Data Type For A "closable" Queue To Handle A Stream Of Items For Multiple Producers And Consumers
Is there a specific type of Queue that is 'closable', and is suitable for when there are multiple producers, consumers, and the data comes from a stream (so its not known when it w
Solution 1:
I'd call that a self-latching queue.
For your primary requirement, combine the queue with a condition variable check that gracefully latches (shuts down) the queue when all producers have vacated:
def__init__(self, num_producers):
'''Called by a producer to indicate that it is done producing'''
... perhaps check that current thread is a known producer? ...
with self.a_mutex:self._num_active_producers -= 1ifself._num_active_producers <= 0:
# Future put()s throw QueueLatched. get()s will empty the queue# and then throw QueueEmpty thereafterself.latch() # Guess what superclass implements this?
For your secondary requirement (#3 in the original post, finished producers apparently block until all consumers are finished), I'd perhaps use a barrier or just another condition variable. This could be implemented in a subclass of the SelfLatchingQueue, of course, but without knowing the codebase I'd keep this behavior separate from the automatic latching.
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