Conda Environments And .bat Files
I am setting up calls to python (Anaconda distribution) via BAT files and the windows task scheduler. I've now used environments for the first time and was trying to set a .bat fi
Solution 1:
Use the 'call' command when activating/deactivating the environment.
call activate [my_env]
call conda deactivate
Solution 2:
Are you sure you need a batch file? I think this should work.
cmd "/c activate [my_env] && python && deactivate"
When I made a simple file containing
Which I called and ran
cmd "/c activate anaconda33 && python && deactivate"
This worked for me. You could also put this in a one line batch file.
Solution 3:
All activate does is put the environment in the front of the PATH. You can just call the absolute path to the python
in the environment you want, like C:\Anaconda\python
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