Retrieve Company Name With Ticker Symbol Input, Yahoo Or Google Api
Solution 1:
You need to first find a website / API which allows you to lookup stock symbols and provide information. Then you can query that API for information.
I came up with a quick and dirty solution here:
import requests
symbol_list = requests.get("{}".format(symbol)).json()
for x in symbol_list:
if x['symbol'] == symbol:
return x['company']
company = get_symbol("MSFT")
This website only provides company name. I didn't put any error checks. And you need the requests
module for it to work. Please install it using pip install requests
Update: Here's the code sample using Yahoo! Finance API:
import requests
url = "{}®ion=1&lang=en".format(symbol)
result = requests.get(url).json()
for x in result['ResultSet']['Result']:
if x['symbol'] == symbol:
return x['name']
company = get_symbol("MSFT")
Solution 2:
import yfinance as yf
msft = yf.Ticker("MSFT")
company_name =['longName']
#Output = 'Microsoft Corporation'
So this way you would be able to get the full names of companies from stock symbols
Solution 3:
Using fuzzy match to get company symbol from company name or vice versa
from fuzzywuzzy import process
import requests
def getCompany(text):
r = requests.get('')
stockList = r.json()
return process.extractOne(text, stockList)[0]
Solution 4:
Here's another Yahoo API call. @masnun's call will return all results that contain the search param, for example trying AMD (Advanced Micro Devices):®ion=1&lang=en
gives you AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.), AMDA (Amedica Corporation), DOX (Amdocs Limited),
If you know the ticker, you can try either of these Yahoo APIs:z
(well documented, this particular call asks for n=name; b4=book value; t8=1yr target price).
(not very well documented but new...see more info here about this API:
Forgot to include the Google API, which seems ok for stock quotes, but not reliable for full data on option chains: ''
Solution 5:
I use Quandl for prices, so when I had a similar issue I decided to check there. If you go to about a quarter of the way down under Available Tickers there is a link to download a csv file containing names and tickers. I then use the following code to create a dictionary with ticker as key and name a value.
`` cnames = pd.read_csv('ticker_list.csv') cnames_dict = pd.Series(cnames.Name.values, index=cnames.Ticker).to_dict()
return cnames_dict
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