Reshape A Dataset With Start And End Dates To Create A Time Series Counting Aggregate Sum By Day/month/quarter
I have a dataset exactly like this: ProjectID Start End Type Project 1 01/01/2019 27/04/2019 HR Project 2 15/01/2019 11/11/2019 Marketing Project 3 25/02/2019 30/07/
Solution 1:
One way to do this is to take a date range (for example for 1 year) and then join all projects to all days. I'm using hvplot to create a nice interactive plot of the end result.
Here's a working example with your sample data:
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
text = """
ProjectID Start End Type
Project1 01/01/2019 27/04/2019 HR
Project2 15/01/2019 11/11/2019 Marketing
Project3 25/02/2019 30/07/2019 Finance
Project4 22/02/2019 15/04/2019 HR
Project5 05/03/2019 29/09/2019 HR
Project6 11/04/2019 01/12/2019 Marketing
Project7 29/07/2019 23/08/2019 Finance
Project8 25/08/2019 23/12/2019 Operations
Project9 31/10/2019 29/11/2019 Operations
Project10 10/12/2019 25/12/2019 Operations
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(text), header=0, sep='\s+')
df['Start'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Start'], dayfirst=True)
df['End'] = pd.to_datetime(df['End'], dayfirst=True)
# create a dummy key with which we can join all projects with all dates
df['key'] = 'key'# create a daterange so that we can count all open projects for all days
df2 = pd.DataFrame(pd.date_range(start='01-01-2019', periods=365, freq='d'), columns=['date'])
# create a dummy key with which we can join all projects with all dates
df2['key'] = 'key'# join all dates with all projects on dummy key = cartesian product
df3 = pd.merge(df, df2, on=['key'])
# check if date is within project dates
df3['count_projects'] = df3['date'].ge(df3['Start']) & df3['date'].le(df3['End'])
# group per day: count all open projects
group_overall = df3.groupby(
'date', as_index=False)['count_projects'].sum()
# group per day per department: count all projects
group_per_department = df3.groupby(
['date', 'Type'], as_index=False)['count_projects'].sum()
# plot overall result
plot_overall = group_overall.hvplot.line(
x='date', y='count_projects',
title='Open projects Overall',
# plot per department
plot_per_department = group_per_department.hvplot.line(
x='date', y='count_projects',
title='Open projects per Department',
# show both plots using hvplot
(plot_overall + plot_per_department).cols(1)
Resulting plot:
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