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Generate Numbers Before An Event

I would like to generate numbers in a new column that lead to occurrence of an event in another column. What might be the most straight forward way to do this using either R or pyt

Solution 1:

Using R, we can try with data.table. We create a grouping variable (cumsum(event == 1)), based on that get the reverse sequence, multiply with -1 and assign (:=) it to 'event_lead'. Then, we multiply that output with the logical vector (!event) so that whereever there is 1 in 'event' becomes 0 for the 'event_lead'.

setDT(df1)[, event_lead:=-(.N:1) ,cumsum(event == 1)
         ][, event_lead := event_lead* (!event)]
#    var1   var2 event event_lead# 1: 0.658 72.193     0         -5# 2: 0.641 70.217     0         -4# 3: 0.641 40.173     0         -3# 4: 0.652 52.687     0         -2# 5: 0.531 50.652     0         -1# 6: 0.529 39.497     1          0# 7: 0.651 29.291     0         -4# 8: 0.634 59.548     0         -3# 9: 0.711 51.925     0         -2#10: 0.635 75.772     0         -1#11: 0.710 53.378     1          0#12: 0.660 87.744     0         -3#13: 0.540 62.547     0         -2#14: 0.618 38.050     0         -1#15: 0.602 60.978     1          0

Or we can use ave from base R

with(df1, ave(event, cumsum(event == 1), FUN = function(x)
                rev(seq_along(x) )* - 1) * (!event))
#[1] -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0 -4 -3 -2 -1  0 -3 -2 -1  0

Or as @thelatemail mentioned

with(df1, ave(event, rev(cumsum(rev(event))), 
           FUN=function(x) seq_along(x) - length(x)) ) 

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