Convert Nested Json To Pandas Data Frame
I am trying to convert a nested json array to a pandas data frame. The data looks something like this in list format: [{u'analysis': {u'active': u'Y', u'dpv_cmra': u'N', u'dpv
Solution 1:
There is a json_normalize function inside
d = {u'analysis': {u'active': u'Y', u'dpv_cmra': u'N', u'dpv_footnotes': u'AAN1', u'dpv_match_code': u'D', u'dpv_vacant': u'N', u'footnotes': u'H#'}, u'candidate_index': 0, u'components': {u'city_name': u'City', u'delivery_point': u'Variable', u'delivery_point_check_digit': u'8', u'plus4_code': u'Variable', u'primary_number': u'Variable', u'state_abbreviation': u'Variable', u'street_name': u'Variable', u'street_predirection': u'Variable', u'street_suffix': u'Variable', u'zipcode': u'Variable'}, u'delivery_line_1': u'Variable', u'delivery_point_barcode': u'Variable', u'input_id': u'Variable', u'input_index': u'Variable', u'last_line': u'Variable', u'metadata': {u'building_default_indicator': u'Variable', u'carrier_route': u'Variable', u'congressional_district': u'Variable', u'county_fips': u'Variable', u'county_name': u'Variable', u'dst': True, u'zip_type': u'Variable'}}
>>> analysis.dpv_cmra analysis.dpv_footnotes analysis.dpv_match_code analysis.dpv_vacant analysis.footnotes candidate_index components.city_name components.delivery_point components.delivery_point_check_digit ... \
0 Y N AAN1 D N H# 0 City Variable 8 ...
input_id input_index last_line metadata.building_default_indicator metadata.carrier_route metadata.congressional_district metadata.county_fips metadata.county_name metadata.dst metadata.zip_type
0 Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable True Variable
[1 rows x 29 columns]
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