Xgboost Predict Method Returns The Same Predicted Value For All Rows
Solution 1:
This question has received several responses including on this thread as well as here and here.
I was having a similar issue with both XGBoost and LGBM. For me, the solution was to increase the size of the training dataset.
I was training on a local machine using a random sample (~0.5%) of a large sparse dataset (200,000 rows and 7000 columns) because I did not have enough local memory for the algorithm. It turned out that for me, the array of predicted values was just an array of the average values of the target variable. This suggests to me that the model may have been underfitting. One solution to an underfitting model is to train your model on more data, so I tried my analysis on a machine with more memory and the issue was resolved: my prediction array was no longer an array of average target values. On the other hand, the issue could simply have been that the slice of predicted values I was looking at were predicted from training data with very little information (e.g. 0's and nan's). For training data with very little information, it seems reasonable to predict the average value of the target feature.
None of the other suggested solutions I came across were helpful for me. To summarize some of the suggested solutions included: 1) check if gamma is too high 2) make sure your target labels are not included in your training dataset 3) max_depth may be too small.
Solution 2:
One of the reasons for the same is that you're providing a high penalty through parameter gamma. Compare the mean value of your training response variable and check if the prediction is close to this. If yes then the model is restricting too much on the prediction to keep train-rmse and val-rmse as close as possible. Your prediction is the simplest with higher value of gamma. So you'll get the simplest model prediction like mean of training set as prediction or naive prediction.
Solution 3:
Won't the max_depth =3 too smaller, try to get it bigger,the default value is 7 if i remember it correctly. and set silent to be 1, then you can monitor what's the error each epochs
Solution 4:
You need to post a reproducible example for any real investigation. It's entirely likely that your response target is highly unbalanced and that your training data is not super predictive, thus you always (or almost always) get one class predicted. Have you looked at the predicted probabilities at all to see if there is any variance? Is it just an issue of not using the proper cut-off for classification labels?
Since you said that a RF gave reasonable predictions it would useful to see your training parameters for that. At a glance, it's curious why you're using a regression objective function in your xgboost call though -- that could easily be why you are seeing such poor performance. Trying changing your objective to: 'binary:logistic
Solution 5:
You should check there are no inf
values in your target.
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