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Using Find_all In Bs4 To Get Text As A List

I'll start by saying I'm very new with Python. I've been building a Discord bot with and Beautiful Soup 4. Here's where I'm at: @commands.command(hidden=True) async def

Solution 1:


text = soupObject.find_all("font", attrs={'size': '4'})

with this:

all_font_tags = soupObject.find_all("font", attrs={'size': '4'})
list_of_inner_text = [x.text for x in all_font_tags]
# If you want to print the text as a comma separated stringtext = ', '.join(list_of_inner_text)

Solution 2:

You are returning a list of Tags from BeautifulSoup, the brackets you are seing are from the list object.

Either return them as a list of strings:

text = [Member.get_text().encode("utf-8").strip() for Member in soup.find_all("font", attrs={'size': '4'}) if not Member.get_text().encode("utf-8").startswith("\xe2")]

Or a single string:

text = ",".join([Member.get_text().encode("utf-8") for Member in soup.find_all("font", attrs={'size': '4'}) if not Member.get_text().encode("utf-8").startswith("\xe2")])

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