Overwriting/clearing Previous Console Line
Solution 1:
You need to run your program form the command line, not from within IDLE.
Then, this should work:
import sys
import timefor i in range(10):
sys.stdout.write("\r" + "Loading" + "." * i)
The \r
goes to beginning of the line. So you have to make sure the string you
print is at least as long as the one before. Otherwise, you will see parts of the previous print.
Solution 2:
You're trying to use ANSI escape sequences to move the cursor. Windows doesn't support those by default. To enable them, you could install the colorama
module with pip install colorama
in your terminal, then in Python:
import colorama
If you've upgraded to Windows 10, you can enable support with this instead:
importctypeskernel32= ctypes.windll.kernel32
kernel32.SetConsoleMode(kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11), 7)
Solution 3:
Updated answer for python 3.4+
While print function has line ending character and line flush keyword arguments, you can do with this way.
text = str()
for i in range(10):
text = "Loading{}".format("." * i)
print(text, end="\r", flush=True)
print(" " * len(text), end="\r")
I could not find more elegant solution for cleaning the line at the end. If anybody knows, please share with me.
Solution 4:
Otherwise if you just want to render, you can do,
import sys
import time
# point by point
msg = "Loading"print(msg, end="")
for _ in range(10):
# Or all char by char
i = 10
msg = "Loading" + "." * i
forcharin msg:
I hope to help you. Thank's
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