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Manipulate User Input For A List

I am putting the user input into a list, but I was wondering how to change the format for how the input is stored in the list, for example: Code lst = list(raw_input('Enter message

Solution 1:

You can use the textwrap module for splitting your string into even sized chunks:

Using your sample of input ABABABABand chunking into groups of 2:

>>> import textwrap
>>> lst = textwrap.wrap(raw_input("Enter message: "), 2)
Enter message: ABABABAB
>>> lst
['AB', 'AB', 'AB', 'AB']

Using the sample I suggested with input ABCABCABC and chunking into groups of 2:

>>> lst = textwrap.wrap(raw_input("Enter message: "), 2)
Enter message: ABCABCABC
>>> lst
['AB', 'CA', 'BC', 'AB', 'C']

Notice how the extra letter is all on it's own.

Solution 2:

Using list comprehension with range:

>>> user_input = 'ABABABABA'# user_input = raw_input("Enter message: ")>>> [user_input[i:i+2] for i inrange(0, len(user_input), 2)]
['AB', 'AB', 'AB', 'AB', 'A']

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