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Initialize The First Index Of A List In Python

I am converting something I wrote in C++ to Python. Here is a snippet of what I am trying to rewrite in python: std::vector dates(numberOfPayments.size(), 0); dates[0] =

Solution 1:

You're having this problem because you're trying to access a index that was not allocated yet.

To append things to a list you should use append (edited to fix loop):

dates = []
for i in range(1, len(first_payments)):
    dates.append((dates[i-1] + 12 - first_payments[i-1]) % 12)

Solution 2:

Since you initialized date with [], it is empty with a size of 0. You will need to use append() to add elements to it.

Solution 3:

You can declare your dates like that:

dates = [NDD_month[0]]

for i in range(len(first_payments)):
    dates[i] = (dates[i-1] + 12 - first_payments[i-1]) % 12print(dates)

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