How To Test If A String Has Capital Letters
In Scala I could test if a string has a capital letter like this: val nameHasUpperCase = name.exists(_.isUpper) The most comprehensive form in Python I can think of is: a ='asdFgg
Solution 1:
The closest to the Scala statement is probably an any(..)
statement here:
any(x.isupper() for x in a)
This will work in using a generator: from the moment such element is found, any(..)
will stop and return True
This produces:
>>>a ='asdFggg'>>>any(x.isupper() for x in a)
Or another one with map(..)
Solution 2:
Another way of doing this would be comparing the original string to it being completely lower case:
>>>a ='asdFggg'>>>a == a.lower()
And if you want this to return true, then use !=
instead of ==
Solution 3:
There is also
nameHasUpperCase = bool('[A-Z]', name))
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