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Get Authors Name And Url For Tag From Google Scholar

I wish to write to a CSV file a list of all authors with their URL to a CSV file who class themselves as a specific tag on Google Scholar. For example, if we were to take 'security

Solution 1:

I'm not writing the code for you.. but I'll give you an outline for how you can.

Look at the bottom of the page. See the next button? Search for it the containing div has an id of gsc_authors_bottom_pag which should be easy to find. I'd do this with selenium, find the next button (right) and click it. Wait for the page to load, scrape repeat. Handle edge cases (out of pages, etc).

If the after_author=* bit didn't change in the url you could just increment the url start.. but unless you want to try to crack that code (unlikely) then just click the next button.

Solution 2:

This page use <button> instead of <a> for link to next/previous page.

Button to next page has aria-label="Następna".

There are two buttons to next page but you can use any of them.

Button has JavaScript code to redirect to new page


but it is simple text so you can use slicing to get only url

import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ""whileTrue:    
    page = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml')

    # ... do something on page ...# find buttons to next page
    buttons = soup.findAll("button", {"aria-label": "Następna"})

    # exit if no buttonsifnot buttons:

    on_click = buttons[0].get('onclick')

    print('javascript:', on_click)

    #add `domain` and remove `window.location='` and `'` at the end
    url = '' + on_click[17:-1]
    # converting some codes to chars 
    url = url.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')

    print('url:', url)

BTW: if you speak Polish then you can visit on Facebook: Python Poland or Python: pierwsze kroki

Solution 3:

Since furas is already answered on how to loop through all pages, this is a complementary answer to his answer. The script below scrapes much more than your question asks and scrapes to a .csv file.

Code and example in online IDE:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests, lxml, os, csv

headers = {
    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.19582"

proxies = {
  'http': os.getenv('HTTP_PROXY')

    html = requests.get('', headers=headers, proxies=proxies).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')

    # creating CSV Filewithopen('awesome_file.csv', mode='w') as csv_file:
      # defining column names
      fieldnames = ['Author', 'URL']
      # defining .csv writer#
      writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames)
      # writing (creating) columns

      # collecting scraped data
      author_data = []

      # Selecting container where all data located for result in'.gs_ai_chpr'):
        name = result.select_one('.gs_ai_name a').text
        link = result.select_one('.gs_ai_name a')['href']

        # id = link# id_identifer = 'user='# before_keyword, keyword, after_keyword = id.partition(id_identifer)# author_id = after_keyword# affiliations = result.select_one('.gs_ai_aff').text# email = result.select_one('.gs_ai_eml').text# try:#   interests = result.select_one('.gs_ai_one_int').text# except:#   interests = None# "Cited by 107390" = getting text string -> splitting by a space -> ['Cited', 'by', '21180'] and taking [2] index which is the number.# cited_by = result.select_one('.gs_ai_cby').text.split(' ')[2]# because we have a csv.DictWriter() we converting to the required format# dict() keys should be exactly the same as fieldnames, otherwise it will throw an error
          'Author': name,
          'URL': f'{link}',
      # iterating over celebrity data list() that became dict() and writing it to the .csvfor data in author_data:
        # print(f'{name}\n{link}\n{author_id}\n{affiliations}\n{email}\n{interests}\n{cited_by}\n')# output from created csv:'''
Johnson Thomas,
Martin Abadi,
Adrian Perrig,
Vern Paxson,
Frans Kaashoek,
Mihir Bellare,
Matei Zaharia,
John A. Clark,
Helen J. Wang,
Zhu Han,

Alternatively, you can do the same thing using Google Scholar Profiles API from SerpApi. It's a paid API with a free trial of 5,000 searches.

Code to integrate:

from serpapi import GoogleSearch
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, parse_qsl
import csv, os

    withopen('awesome_serpapi_file_pagination.csv', mode='w') as csv_file:
        fieldnames = ['Author', 'URL']
        writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames)

        params = {
            "api_key": os.getenv("API_KEY"),
            "engine": "google_scholar_profiles",
            "mauthors": "label:security"

        search = GoogleSearch(params)

            results = search.get_dict()
              for result in results['profiles']:
                  name = result['name']
                  link = result['link']

                  writer.writerow({'Author': name, 'URL': link})
              breakif (not'pagination'in results) and (not'next'in results['pagination']):



# part of the output from created csv:'''
Johnson Thomas,
Martin Abadi,
Adrian Perrig,
Vern Paxson,
Frans Kaashoek,
Mihir Bellare,
Matei Zaharia,
John A. Clark,
Helen J. Wang,
Zhu Han,

Disclaimer, I work for SerpApi.

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