Generate All Possible Strings From A List Of Token
I have a list of tokens, like: hel lo bye and i want to generate all the possible combinations of such strings, like: hello lohel helbye byehel lobye byelo Language is not import
Solution 1:
Your example can be written in Python as
from itertools import combinations
printlist(combinations(["hel", "lo", "bye"], 2))
To combine the output to strings again:
print ["".join(a) for a in combinations(["hel", "lo", "bye"], 2)]
If you interested in the actual implementation of this function, have a look at the documentation.
Solution 2:
can do that for you.
>>> l = ['hel', 'lo', 'bye']
>>> list(itertools.permutations(l, 2))
[('hel', 'lo'), ('hel', 'bye'), ('lo', 'hel'), ('lo', 'bye'), ('bye', 'hel'), ('bye', 'lo')]
Or if you want combinations, you can use itertools.combinations
>>> l = ['hel', 'lo', 'bye']
>>> list(itertools.combinations(l, 2))
[('hel', 'lo'), ('hel', 'bye'), ('lo', 'bye')]
Solution 3:
Given that other languages are acceptable:
#!/usr/bin/perluse strict; use warnings;
use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw(permutations);
my $data = [ qw( hel lo bye ) ];
my $it = permutations($data);
while ( my $p = $it->next ) {
print @$p, "\n";
hellobye helbyelo lohelbye lobyehel byehello byelohel
Solution 4:
a = ['hel', 'lo', 'bye']
print'\n'.join(''.join(x) for x in itertools.permutations(a, 2))
Solution 5:
Easy in python with itertools.
Here is the token permutation example:
import itertools
tokens = ["hel", "lo", "bye"]
for i in range(1, len(tokens) + 1):
for p in itertools.permutations(tokens, i):
Alternatively, this treats each character as a token:
import itertools
tokens = ["hel", "lo", "bye"]
chars = "".join(tokens)
for i in range(1, len(chars) + 1):
for p in itertools.permutations(chars, i):
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