Fast Linear Interpolation In Numpy / Scipy "along A Path"
Solution 1:
For a fixed point in time, you can utilize the following interpolation function:
g(a) = cc[0]*abs(a-aa[0]) + cc[1]*abs(a-aa[1]) + cc[2]*abs(a-aa[2])
where a
is the hiker's altitude, aa
the vector with the 3 measurement altitudes
and cc
is a vector with the coefficients. There are three things to note:
- For given temperatures (
) corresponding toaa
, determiningcc
can be done by solving a linear matrix equation usingnp.linalg.solve()
. g(a)
is easy to vectorize for a (N,) dimensionala
and (N, 3) dimensionalcc
is called a first order univariate spline kernel (for three points). Usingabs(a-aa[i])**(2*d-1)
would change the spline order tod
. This approach could be interpreted a simplified version of a Gaussian Process in Machine Learning.
So the code would be:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
# generate temperatures
N, sigma = 1000, 5
trend = np.sin(4 / N * np.arange(N)) * 30
alltemps = np.array([tmp0 + trend + sigma*np.random.randn(N)
for tmp0 in [70, 50, 40]])
# generate attitudes:
altitudes = np.array([500, 1500, 4000]).astype(float)
location = np.linspace(altitudes[0], altitudes[-1], N)
""" do the interpolation, improved version for speed """
AA = np.vstack([np.abs(altitudes-a_i) for a_i in altitudes])
# This is slighty faster than np.linalg.solve(), because AA is small:
cc =, alltemps)
return (cc[0]*np.abs(location-altitudes[0]) +
cc[1]*np.abs(location-altitudes[1]) +
t_loc = doit() # call interpolator# do the plotting:
fg, ax = plt.subplots(num=1)
for alt, t inzip(altitudes, alltemps):
ax.plot(t, label="%d feet" % alt, alpha=.5)
ax.plot(t_loc, label="Interpolation")
ax.legend(loc="best", title="Altitude:")
Measuring the time gives:
In [2]: %timeit doit()
10000 loops, best of 3: 107 µs per loop
Update: I replaced the original list comprehensions in doit()
to import speed by 30% (For N=1000
Furthermore, as requested for comparison, @moarningsun's benchmark code block on my machine:
10loops,best of 3:110msperloopinterp_checked10000loops,best of 3:83.9µsperloopscipy_interpn1000 loops,best of 3:678µsperloopOutput allclose:
[True, True, True]
Note that N=1000
is a relatively small number. Using N=100000
produces the results:
100 loops, best of 3: 8.37 ms per loop
%timeit doit()
100 loops, best of 3: 5.31 ms per loop
This shows that this approach scales better for large N
than the interp_checked
Solution 2:
I'll offer one bit of progress. In the second case (interpolating "along a path") we are making many different interpolation functions. One thing we could try is to make just one interpolation function (one which does interpolation in the altitude dimension over all times as in the first case above) and evaluate that function over and over (in a vectorized way). That would give us way more data than we want (it would give us a 1,000 x 1,000 matrix instead of a 1,000-element vector). But then our target result would just be along the diagonal. So the question is, does calling a single function on way more complex arguments run faster than making many functions and calling them with simple arguments?
The answer is yes!
The key is that the interpolating function returned by scipy.interpolate.interp1d
is able to accept a numpy.ndarray
as its input. So you can effectively call the interpolating function many times at C-speed by feeding in a vector input. I.e. this is way, way faster than writing a for loop which calls the interpolating function over and over again on a scalar input. So while we compute many many data points that we wind up throwing away, we save even more time by not constructing many different interpolating functions that we barely use.
old_way = interped_along_path = np.array([interp1d(altitudes, finaltemps.values[i, :])(loc)
for i, loc inenumerate(location)])
# look ma, no for loops!
new_way = np.diagonal(interp1d(altitudes, finaltemps.values)(location))
# note, `location` is a vector!abs(old_way - new_way).max()
#-> 0.0
and yet:
res = np.diagonal(interp1d(altitudes, finaltemps.values)(location))
#-> 100 loops, best of 3: 16.7 ms per loop
So this approach gets us a factor of 10 better! Can anyone do better? Or suggest an entirely different approach?
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