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Calling A Function Inside 'for' Loop Throws A Nameerror

I'm trying to call a function from a FOR loop but get the error: test() NameError: name 'test' is not defined The code is given below: from selenium import webdriver from seleni

Solution 1:

You have to create a function object before you can use it. In your case you call a function but it is not yet existing hence not defined. As Kevin said, define the function and then try to call it.

UPD: I cannot add comments so I update it here. Mark Lutz in his "Learning Python" book describes it in a great detail, how functions work, what def does and what happens when you call a function. But I assume any other Python book will do the same.

UPD: It is not easy to write comments, so I update the answer.

As said the problem is that you define function after you call it. For example, let's assume I want to write a program which writes "Have fun, " + any name. For simplicity name is given in the program. Option 1: If I write the program like you did meaning 1) call a function 2) define a function I will get an NameError exactly like you get.


greet = 'Have fun, 'print(greet + name('John')) # I call a function 'name'defname(x):                # I define a functionreturnstr(x)

The output will be:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/nikolay.dudaev/Documents/Private/", line 3, in <module>
    print(greet + name('John'))
NameError: name 'name' is notdefined

ALL that I need to do is change places of function definition and calling a function:

greet = 'Have fun, 'defname(x):                # I define a functionreturnstr(x)

print(greet + name('John')) # I call a function 'name'

And now the output is:

======= RESTART: C:/Users/nikolay.dudaev/Documents/Private/ =======
Have fun, John

Here you go!

Copy what you have after def and paste it before your for loop and it should work (though I did not try your code).

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