Upload Files Using Sftp In Python, But Create Directories If Path Doesn't Exist
I want to upload a file on a remote server with Python. I'd like to check beforehand if the remote path is really existing, and if it isn't, to create it. In pseudocode: if(remote_
Solution 1:
SFTP supports the usual FTP commands (chdir, mkdir, etc...), so use those:
sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
sftp.chdir(remote_path) # Test if remote_path existsexcept IOError:
sftp.mkdir(remote_path) # Create remote_path
sftp.put(local_path, '.') # At this point, you are in remote_path in either case
To fully emulate mkdir -p
, you can work through remote_path recursively:
import os.path
defmkdir_p(sftp, remote_directory):
"""Change to this directory, recursively making new folders if needed.
Returns True if any folders were created."""if remote_directory == '/':
# absolute path so change directory to root
returnif remote_directory == '':
# top-level relative directory must existreturntry:
sftp.chdir(remote_directory) # sub-directory existsexcept IOError:
dirname, basename = os.path.split(remote_directory.rstrip('/'))
mkdir_p(sftp, dirname) # make parent directories
sftp.mkdir(basename) # sub-directory missing, so created it
sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
mkdir_p(sftp, remote_path)
sftp.put(local_path, '.') # At this point, you are in remote_path
Of course, if remote_path also contains a remote file name, then it needs to be split off, the directory being passed to mkdir_p and the filename used instead of '.' in sftp.put.
Solution 2:
Something simpler and slightly more readable too
defmkdir_p(sftp, remote, is_dir=False):
emulates mkdir_p if required.
sftp - is a valid sftp object
remote - remote path to create.
dirs_ = []
if is_dir:
dir_ = remote
dir_, basename = os.path.split(remote)
whilelen(dir_) > 1:
dir_, _ = os.path.split(dir_)
iflen(dir_) == 1andnot dir_.startswith("/"):
dirs_.append(dir_) # For a remote path like y/x.txt whilelen(dirs_):
dir_ = dirs_.pop()
print"making ... dir", dir_
Solution 3:
Had to do this today. Here is how I did it.
defmkdir_p(sftp, remote_directory):
dir_path = str()
for dir_folder in remote_directory.split("/"):
if dir_folder == "":
dir_path += r"/{0}".format(dir_folder)
except IOError:
Solution 4:
you can use pysftp package:
import pysftp as sftp
#used to pypass key login
cnopts = sftp.CnOpts()
cnopts.hostkeys = None
srv = sftp.Connection(host="",username="ritesh",password="ritesh",cnopts=cnopts)
srv.makedirs("a3/a2/a1", mode=777) # will happily make all non-existing directories
you can check this link for more details: https://pysftp.readthedocs.io/en/release_0.2.9/cookbook.html#pysftp-connection-mkdir
Solution 5:
Paramiko contains a mkdir function:
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