Python Import Module Results In Nameerror
Solution 1:
With from my_module.core.daemon import Daemon
you do not actually bind the loaded module my_module
to a variable. Use import my_module
just before or after your other imports to do that.
Explained in code:
>>> from xml import dom
>>> xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'xml'isnot defined
>>> import xml
>>> xml
<module 'xml'from'/usr/lib/python2.6/xml/__init__.pyc'>
Solution 2:
It ended up being that I needed to reference the fully qualified name of my app in my Django project's file in the INSTALLED_APPS setting. "someproj.web" instead of just "web". Using the shorter version works fine within a Django project, just not so well from the outside.
Solution 3:
you get me confused what do you mean "your Django project" is your module "my_module" is part of an higher package? something like this
- bin
- cfg
- core
if so , and if like you said django_project is in PYTHONPATH , so you should just import my_module like this:
from django_project.my_module.core.daemonimportDaemon
by the way it's preferable to import module no class neither function like this:
from django_project.my_module.coreimport daemon
and use it like this:
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