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Pip Install Broken (pkg_resources.find_distribution Returns Empty List In

At some point my pip installation broke (I suspect when upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04) and I haven't been able to unbreak it by completely removing it and reinstalling (via synaptic pa

Solution 1:

This fixes the problem:

pip install --no-use-wheel --upgrade distribute

Solution 2:

Had the same problem and the apt-get remove solution didn't work for me. Updating pip without wheel worked for me:

sudo pip install -U --no-use-wheel pip

Solution 3:

sudo pip install --no-use-wheel scikit-image

This works for me on ubuntu 14.04.4

Solution 4:

I tried to reinstall pip and that didn't work but eventually resinstalled all of python-pkg-resources following the directions here,

apt-getremove --purge python-pkg-resources

apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

and it is now working again. Hope someone finds this useful.

Solution 5:

None of the answers provided here helped me (Mac OS X). I did this instead:

 sudo easy_install --upgrade pip 

which force upgraded pip and fixed the problem with 'list index out of range'.

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