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Interactive Input In Python

Here is the directions for what I need to do: You are to write a complete program that obtains three pieces of data and then process them. The three pieces of information are a Boo

Solution 1:

On stackoverflow, we're here to help people solve problems, not to do your homework, as your question very likely sounds… That said, here is what you want:

    Boolean = input("Give me a Boolean: ")
    String = input("Give me a string: ")
    Number = int(input("Give me a number: "))

    if Boolean == "True":
    except ValueError as err:
        print('Error you did not give a number: {}'.format(err))

if __name__ == "__main__":

A few explanations:

  • Boolean is "True" checks whether the contained string is actually the word True, and returns True, False otherwise.
  • then the print(''.format()) builds the double string (separated by \n) using the string format.
  • finally, when converting the string Integer into an int using int(Integer), it will raise a ValueError exception that gets caught to display a nice message on error.

the if __name__ == "__main__": part is to enable your code to be only executed when ran as a script, not when imported as a library. That's the pythonic way of defining the program's entry point.

Solution 2:

I like to add a bit of logic to ensure proper values when I do input. My standard way is like this:

import ast
defGetInput(user_message, var_type = str):
        # ask the user for an input
        str_input = input(user_message + ": ")
        # you dont need to cast a string!if var_type == str:
            return str_input
            input_type = type(ast.literal_eval(str_input))
        if var_type == input_type:
            return ast.literal_eval(str_input)
            print("Invalid type! Try again!")

Then in your main you can do something like this!

def main():
    my_bool = False
    my_str = ""
    my_num = 0
    my_bool = GetInput("Give me a Boolean", type(my_bool))
    my_str = GetInput("Give me a String", type(my_str))
    my_num = GetInput("Give me a Integer", type(my_num))

    if my_bool:
        print(my_num * 2)

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