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How To Solve An Error On Gae For "unexpected Attribute 'dispatch' For Object Of Type Appinfoexternal."

Please tell me to deploy my project for GAE. I can not deploy my project because of the following error. update app.yaml dispatch.yaml worker.yaml (omissions)

Solution 1:

Also, make sure you run update_dispatch, which is a separate command from update

Solution 2:

Wrong indenting. Should be:

application: my-app

  - url: "*/worker/*"module: worker

Solution 3:

First of all, dispatch.yaml doesn't seem to be allowed to be an argument of update. The error message must indicate that.

Try: update app.yaml worker.yaml

Also, dispatch.yaml are not an application config, but the dispatch file. So you may not allowed to write attributes other than dispatch.

Solution 4:

modules included in dispatch must come before the dispatch.yaml in update, so correct command is: update app.yaml worker.yaml dispatch.yaml

Solution 5:

I got a similar problem in latest gcp deployment, i.e, using gcloud command.

I got rid of application from dispatch.yaml and this error was gone.

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