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How To Get A Python Script To Invoke "python -i" When Called Normally?

I have a python script that I like to run with python -i, which runs the script and then enters interactive mode so that I can play around with the results. Is it possibl

Solution 1:

From within, set the PYTHONINSPECT environment variable to any nonempty string. Python will recheck this environment variable at the end of the program and enter interactive mode.

import os
# This can be placed at top or bottom of the script, unlike code.interact
os.environ['PYTHONINSPECT'] = 'TRUE'

Solution 2:

In addition to all the above answers, you can run the script as simply ./ by making the file executable and setting the shebang line, e.g.

#!/usr/bin/python -ithis = "A really boring program"

If you want to use this with the env command in order to get the system default python, then you can try using a shebang like @donkopotamus suggested in the comments

#!/usr/bin/env PYTHONINSPECT=1 python

The success of this may depend on the version of env installed on your platform however.

Solution 3:

You could use an instance of code.InteractiveConsole to get this to work:

from code import InteractiveConsole
i = 20
d = 30

running this with python will launch an interactive interpreter as the final statement and make the local names defined visible via locals=locals().


Similarly, a convenience function named code.interact can be used:

from code import interact
i = 20
d = 30

This creates the instance for you, with the only caveat that locals is named local instead.

In addition to this, as @Blender stated in the comments, you could also embed the IPython REPL by using:

import IPython

which has the added benefit of not requiring the namespace that has been populated in your script to be passed with locals.

Solution 4:

I think you're looking for this?

import code
foo = 'bar'print foo

Solution 5:

I would simply accompany the script with a shell script that invokes it.

exec python -i "$(dirname "$0")/"

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