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Gee Python Api: Export Image To Google Drive Fails

Using GEE Python API in an application running with App Engine (on localhost), I am trying to export an image to a file in Google Drive. The task seems to start and complete succes

Solution 1:

You can't pass a dictionary of arguments directly in python. You need to pass it using the kwargs convention (do a web search for more info). Basically, you just need to preface the task_config argument with double asteriks like this:

task = ee.batch.Export.image.toDrive(landsat, 'TEST_todrive', **task_config)

Then proceed as you have (I assume your use of task.config rather than task_config in the following line is a typo). Also note that you can query the task directly (using e.g. task.status()) and it may give more information about when / why the task failed. This isn't well documented as far as I can tell but you can read about it in the API code.

Solution 2:

I think that the file is been generated and stored on the google drive of the 'Service Account' used for Python API not on your private account that is normally used when using the web code editor.

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