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Using Word2vecmodel.transform() Does Not Work In Map Function

I have built a Word2Vec model using Spark and save it as a model. Now, I want to use it in another code as offline model. I have loaded the model and used it to present vector of a

Solution 1:

It is an expected behavior. Like other MLlib models Python object is just a wrapper around Scala model and actual processing is delegated to its JVM counterpart. Since Py4J gateway is not accessible on workers (see How to use Java/Scala function from an action or a transformation?) you cannot call Java / Scala method from an action or transformation.

Typically MLlib models provide a helper method which can work directly on RDDs but it is not the case here. Word2VecModel provides getVectors method which returns a map from words to vector but unfortunately it is a JavaMap so it won't work inside transformation. You could try something like this:

from pyspark.mllib.linalg import DenseVector

vectors_ = model.getVectors() # py4j.java_collections.JavaMap
vectors = {k: DenseVector([x for x in vectors_.get(k)])
    for k in vectors_.keys()}

to get Python dictionary but it will be extremely slow. Another option is to dump this object to disk in a form that can be consumed by Python but it requires some tinkering with Py4J and it is better to avoid this. Instead lets read model as a DataFrame:

lookup ="path_to_word2vec_model/data").alias("lookup")

and we'll get a following structure:

## root## |-- word: string (nullable = true)## |-- vector: array (nullable = true)## |    |-- element: float (containsNull = true)

which can be used to map words to vectors for example through join:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

words = sc.parallelize([('hello', ), ('test', )]).toDF(["word"]).alias("words")

words.join(lookup, col("words.word") == col("lookup.word"))

## +-----+-----+--------------------+## | word| word|              vector|## +-----+-----+--------------------+## |hello|hello|[-0.030862354, -0...|## | test| test|[-0.13154022, 0.2...|## +-----+-----+--------------------+

If data fits into driver / worker memory you can try to collect and map with broadcast:

lookup_bd = sc.broadcast(lookup.rdd.collectAsMap())
rdd = sc.parallelize([['Hello'],['test']]) ws: [lookup_bd.value.get(w) for w in ws])

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