Regex For Phrase That Has Special Chars
I want to make regex that will find phrases between 1 and 4 words. First letter of first word must be capital, other can be lower. These words can contain special chars in them or
Solution 1:
try this regex : \d{0,3}[A-Z][A-Za-z.\-&$']*( +[A-Za-z.\-&$']+){0,3}(?:\n|$)
First, \d{0,3}
check if the phrase begin with 0 to 3 number.
Next, [A-Z][A-Za-z.\-&$']*
match the first word that need a capital letter first.
Next, ( +[A-Za-z.\-&$']+){0,3}
match a space and then a series of character to form a word with a maximum of 3 occurance (4 words total).
Finally, (?:\n|$)
match a newline or the end of the string without incuding it in the result.
if you want different special character just add them inside the two [] like this : [A-Za-z"special character you want here without quotation mark"]
Note that '-' character need escape so write '\-' instead.
check on this site to confirm :
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