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Regex For Iban Mask

I am trying to extract this text 'NL dd ABNA ddddddddd' from string: IBAN NL 91ABNA0417463300 IBAN NL91ABNA0417164300 Iban: NL 69 ABNA 402032566 And that string may have three or

Solution 1:

The problem in your regex101 demo is, there is an extra character in your regex after $ so remove that and change 0 to [0 ] and this fixes all and starts matching your third line too. The correct regex becomes,

NL\s?\d{2}\s?[A-Z]{4}[0 ]\s?\d{9}$

Check your updated demo

Solution 2:

You can use the following regex:

(?i)(?:(?<=IBAN(?:[:\s]\s|\s[:\s]))NL\s?\d{2}\s?[A-Z]{4}[0 ]\s?\d{9,10})|(?:(?<=IBAN[:\s])NL\s?\d{2}\s?[A-Z]{4}[0 ]\s?\d{9,10})


If you work in python you can remove the (?:i) and replace it by a flag re.I or re.IGNORECASE

Tested on:

Uw BTW nummer NL80
 IBAN NL 11abna0317164300asdfasf234
iBAN NL21ABNA0417134300 22
Iban: NL 29 ABNA 401422366f sdf
IBAN :NL 39 ABNA 0822416395s
IBAN:NL 39 ABNA 0822416395s


NL 11abna0317164300
NL 29 ABNA 401422366
NL 39 ABNA 0822416395
NL 39 ABNA 0822416395

Solution 3:

You can just remove all spaces and uppercase the rest, Like this:

iban = NL 91ABNA0417463300
iban.replace(" ", "")

And then your regex would be:


It works in

Solution 4:

It's not what you want, but works.

IBAN has a strict format, so it's better to normalize it, and next just cut part, because everything will match regexp, as an example:


#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# I'm not sure, that alphabet is correct, A-Z, 0-9

def normalize(string):
    stage1 = "".join(IBAN.split()).upper()
    stage2 = ''for l in stage1:
        if l in alphabet:
            stage2 = stage2 + l

    return stage2.split('IBAN')[1]

if __name__ == '__main__':

    IBAN_LIST = ['IBAN NL 91ABNA0417463300', 'IBAN NL91ABNA0417164300', 'Iban: NL 69 ABNA 402032566']

    for IBAN in IBAN_LIST:
        IBAN_normalized = normalize(IBAN)
        print(IBAN_normalized[2:4], IBAN_normalized[8:])


91 0417463300
91 0417164300
69 402032566

It's not a regexp, but should work faster, but if you know how to normalize better, please, help with it.

You can see source code here.

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