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Printing On The Same Line With Time.sleep()

I'm trying to print two strings on the same line using a timer in between. Here's the code: import time print 'hello', time.sleep(2) print 'world' But it seems the program waits

Solution 1:

The issue is that , by default, the console output is buffered. Since Python 3.3 print() supports the keyword argument flush (see documentation):

print('hello', flush=True)

If you use an prior versionf of python, you can force a flush like this:

import sys

Solution 2:

in python 2.7 you could use the print_function from the future package

from __future__ import print_function
from time import sleep

print("hello, ", end="")

But like you said, this waits 2 seconds then prints both strings. In light of Gui Rava's answer you can flush stdout, here is a sample which should get you in the right direction:

import time
import sys

def _print(string):

_print('hello ')

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