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Print A Stack Trace To Stdout On Errors In Django While Using Runserver

I did some searching, but I'm wondering if anyone has a snippet of a logging configuration to get Django to just output a stack trace to stdout (so I can see it in the Terminal win

Solution 1:

Another method is with LOGGING. Specifically you get a stacktrace when running ./ runserver by adding the following to the file:

    'version': 1,
    'handlers': {
    'loggers': {
        'django.request': {
            'propagate': True,

This syntax comes from the Django documentation Configuring Logging and can be further modified to increase or decrease the amount of console-logging.

Also the 5XX responses are raised as ERROR messages and 4XX responses are raised as WARNING messages.

Note that this question & answer has a 2013 duplicate here.

Solution 2:

It's strange nobody mentioned the DEBUG_PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS setting. It's not for production, but very easy to use for at test/debugging environment. Simply add to


Solution 3:

You can create a piece of middleware to do this. Here's a modified snippet I'm using for a project:

    defprocess_exception(self, request, exception):
        import traceback
        print traceback.format_exc()

Place this handler in your middleware part of the Django settings.

Solution 4:

I had a similar problem, but the middleware option didn't help me. The reason is that I'm using django-jsonview 0.4.3 which provides a decorator that converts a dictionary into a valid json http response, even when the decorated function fails, so process_exception middleware method is never called. I checked the code of this decorator and it seems that it tries to log the error doing this:

except Exception as e:
    logger = logging.getLogger('django.request')

However, I don't know why, this is not working and nothing is logged in my bash console. I should find out why this in happening. Meanwhile, I'm using an extra decorator:

    ifnot settings.DEBUG:
        return func

    defwrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
            return func(request, *args, **kwargs)
            print traceback.format_exc()
    return wrapper

Then, in all my json views:

def my_view(request):

Solution 5:

I usually use this:

    except Exception,e:
        # Get line
        # Add the event to the log
        output ="Error in the server: %s.\n"% (e)
        output+="\tTraceback is:\n"for (file,linenumber,affected,line)  in trace:
            output+="\t> Error at function %s\n"% (affected)
            output+="\t  At: %s:%s\n"% (file,linenumber)
            output+="\t  Source: %s\n"% (line)
        output+="\t> Exception: %s\n"% (e)

Then I use "output" for whatever I need: print to stdout, send an email, etc...

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