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Opencv Image Matching - Form Photo Vs Form Template

I'm trying to detect wether a photo represents a predefined formular template filled with data. I'm new to image processing and OpenCV but my first attempt is to use FlannBasedMatc

Solution 1:

I think that using SIFT and a keypoints matcher is the most robust approach to this problem. It should work fine with many different form templates. However, SIFT algorithm being patented, here is another approach that should work well too:

Step 1: Binarize

  • Threshold your photo and the template form using THRESH_OTSU tag.
  • Invert the two binary result Mats with the bitwise_notfunction.

Step 2: Find the forms' bounding rect

For the two binary Mats from Step 1:

  • Find the largest contour.
  • Use approxPolyDPto approximate the found contour to a quadrilateral (see picture above).

Bounding rect of the sample form

In my code, this is done inside getQuadrilateral().

Step 3: Homography and Warping

  • Find the transformation between the two forms' bounding rect with findHomography
  • Warp the photo's binary Mat using warpPerspective (and the homography Mat computed previously).

Warped sample form

Step 4: Comparison between template and photo

  • Dilate the template form's binary Mat.
  • Subtract the warped binary Mat and the dilated template form's binary Mat.

Subtraction between the template and warped Mats

This allows to extract the filled informations. But you can also do it the other way around:

Template form-Dilated Warped Mat

In this case, the result of the subtraction should be totally black. I would then use mean to get the average pixel's value. Finally, if that value is smaller than (let's say) 2, I would assume the form on the photo is matching the template form.

Here is the C++ code, it shouldn't be too hard to translate to Python :)

vector<Point> getQuadrilateral(Mat & grayscale){
    vector<vector<Point>> contours;
    findContours(grayscale, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);

    vector<int> indices(contours.size());
    iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0);

    sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), [&contours](int lhs, int rhs) {
        return contours[lhs].size() > contours[rhs].size();

    vector<vector<Point>> polygon(1);
    approxPolyDP(contours[indices[0]], polygon[0], 5, true);
    if (polygon[0].size() == 4) // we have found a quadrilateral

intmain(int argc, char** argv){
    Mat templateImg, sampleImg;
    templateImg = imread("template-form.jpg", 0);
    sampleImg = imread("sample-form.jpg", 0);
    Mat templateThresh, sampleTresh;
    threshold(templateImg, templateThresh, 0, 255, THRESH_OTSU);
    threshold(sampleImg, sampleTresh, 0, 255, THRESH_OTSU);

    bitwise_not(templateThresh, templateThresh);
    bitwise_not(sampleTresh, sampleTresh);

    vector<Point> corners_template = getQuadrilateral(templateThresh);
    vector<Point> corners_sample = getQuadrilateral(sampleTresh);

    Mat homography = findHomography(corners_sample, corners_template);

    Mat warpSample;
    warpPerspective(sampleTresh, warpSample, homography, Size(templateThresh.cols, templateThresh.rows));

    Mat element_dilate = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(8, 8));
    dilate(templateThresh, templateThresh, element_dilate);

    Mat diff = warpSample - templateThresh;

    imshow("diff", diff);



I Hope it is clear enough! ;)

P.S. This great answer helped me to retrieve the largest contour.

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