How To Install Leveldb On Windows (python)
Solution 1:
Seems to be possible with
py-leveldb-windows: A Visual Studio project to build leveldb python wrapper.
Solution 2:
This question is on top of google search "leveldb python windows". However, is unmaintained and only works on amd64.
Here is Windows plyvel build by ppolxda@github. Multi python 3.x versions with amd64/x86 support. No python 2.x though.
Another option is more updated but only Python 3.7/3.8.
Solution 3:
As mentioned in the above answer by phd . Go to the link .
Download leveldb.pyd file from google drive link with respect to the python version .
Then copy that leveldb.pyd folder to the .\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\virtual_env\Lib\site-packages
Then run the test python file test-py3-leveldb(test-py-leveldb) to check the leveldb is installed or not .
Solution 4:
I couldn't find a way to do this with pip install plyvel on Windows Only option that worked for me was to build both leveldb and plyvel. Hope somebody finds this useful.
- Python: Python 3.8.2 64bit
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 (2) Version 16.7.7
1.Build leveldb
1.1.Clone leveldb
git clone --recurse-submodules Start 64 bit CommandLine Development version of Visual Studio. Found under VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat
1.3. Follow instructions from Make appropriate changes based on your version of VS and directory names.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G 'Visual Studio 16" ..
devenv /build Release leveldb.sln
This will create leveldb.lib under leveldb\build\Release\
Take note of the full path
2. Build plyvel
2.1. Clone plyvel
git clone --recurse-submodules Modify lines
extra_compile_args = ['-Wall', '-g', '-x', 'c++', '-std=c++11', '-I<fullpathtoyourleveldbdir>/include']
Add the following line to ext_modules
library_dirs=['<fullpath to yourleveldb dir>/build/Release'],
2.3 nmake all
If all goes will command will endwith
Finished generating code
copying build\\plyvel\_plyvel.cp38-win_amd64.pyd -> plyvel
3.Test it out
set PYTHONLIB=<full path to plyvel>
>>>import plyvel>>>db = plyvel.DB('c:/tmp/testdb/', create_if_missing=True)>>>db.closed
>>>db.put(b'key', b'value')>>>db.put(b'another-key', b'another-value')>>>db.get(b'key')
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