How To Inherit Objects In Django?
Solution 1:
Exactly the same as python inheritence
class Vehicle(Model):
name = models.TextField()
class Car(Vehicle):
passengers = PositiveIntegerField()
class Truck(Vehicle):
tonnage = FloatField()
>>>Car.objects.create(name='Beetle', passengers = 5)
<Car: name="Beetle",passengers=5>
>>>Truck.objects.create(name='Mack', tonnage=4.5)
<Truck: name="Mack,tonnage=4.5>
[<Vehicle: name="Beetle">,<Vehicle: name="Mack>]
>>>v = Vehicle.objects.get(name='Beetle')>>>(bool(, bool(v.truck))
(True, False)
<Car: name="Beetle",passengers=5>
Solution 2:
It's worth noting that while Django supports a couple of inheriting methods, none of them behave in a polymorphic manner, that is, your can't make a query on a Vehicle model and get a Car instance if you use an abstract base class, and if you use Multi table inheritance, you can't use the behavior of the subclass from a base class model instance.
There are someapps and snippets trying to address this, but I don't find them very friendly to integrate.
Solution 3:
Since Django uses Python, normal Python inheritance works. For more information about inheriting models, see the Django documentation about models, especially the section about Model inheritance.
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