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How To Display A Cv2 Video Inside A Python Gui?

I'm creating a GUI using Python/PyQt5 which should display a video along with other widgets in the same window. I've tried different approaches to this problem but stil can't seem

Solution 1:

Inside the while loop, you need to convert frame into a QPixmap again, similar to what you did above, and then update ui:

cap = cv2.VideoCapture('')

while (cap.isOpened()):
    ret, frame =
    if not ret:

    frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    img = QImage(frame, frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0], QImage.Format_RGB888)
    pix = QPixmap.fromImage(img)
    pix = pix.scaled(600, 400, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)

    self.ui.frame = pix  # or img depending what `ui.frame` needs

    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


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