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Error While Installing Django-channels On Python 3.5 On Windows

I'm also getting the same error while installing Twisted. Here's version info: Django : 1.9 Python : 3.5 Trying to install latest version of Django-channels Command used :

Solution 1:

You need a working C compiler to install Twisted on platforms for which wheels are not provided. There is no Python 3.5 wheel on PyPI for Twisted (at this time). So you need a working C compiler.

Follow these instructions for installing VS2015 to get a working C compiler so Twisted can build the necessary extension modules and install successfully.

Solution 2:

The problem is not regarding the need for Visual C++ 14.0 or whatsoever. It is concerned with the installation of Twisted. I was able to fix this problem after trying for weeks together. To install the correct version of Twisted visit this link. (Found this on a similar question's answer, I'm not sure of the writer to give rightful credits). The above-mentioned link displays several versions of Twisted. You should download the one corresponding to your python version. For instance, if your python version is 3.5, you should proceed with downloading cp35m-win32.whl (For Windows only) and so forth. Further, open Command prompt, go to the downloaded path activate your virtual environment and pip install the downloaded file. This shall fix your issue.

Solution 3:

I had a similar problem... I was only able to fix it by downloading Visual Studio Build tools and installing the Visual C++ Build Tools, Windows 10 SDK, and VC++ 2015.3 v14

enter image description here

Solution 4:

Microsoft Visual C++ is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools":

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