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Dynamically Create String From Pandas Column

I have two data frame like below one is df and another one is anomalies:- d = {'10028': [0], '1058': [25], '20120': [29], '20121': [22],'20122': [0], '20123': [0], '5043': [0], '50

Solution 1:

Try this:

# first part of the string
s = '\n' + 'Metric Name' + '\t' + 'Count' + '\t' + 'Anomaly' 

# dynamically add the data
for idx, val in df.iloc[-1].iteritems():
    s += f'\n{idx}\t{val}\t{anomalies[idx][0]}' 
    # for Python 3.5 and below, use this
    # s += '\n{}\t{}\t{}'.format(idx, val, anomalies[idx][0])
# last part
s += ('\n\n' + 'message:' + '\t' +
      'Something wrong with the platform as there is a spike in [values where anomalies == 1].'

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