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Collectstatic Creates Empty Files

I'm trying to upgrade an app to Django 1.11, but experience issues with collectstatic. Old versions: django 1.8.17 django-storages 1.5.1 New versions: django 1.11.12 django-stora

Solution 1:

We've encountered the same issue.

The underlying problem, I think, has multiple issues / sources:

  • The ManifestFilesMixin uses and reuses ContentFile objects for generating the hashed files and saves them multiple times. Without resetting the ContentFile objects (by calling .seek(0) on them).
  • The S3BotoStorage saves these files, without checking if they are at the correct position. Compare this to FileSystemStorage: The files are always read through from the beginning by iterating over the .chuncks() of the file.

We worked around the empty-file-issue by overriding S3BotoStorage like this:

class PatchedS3StaticStorage(S3BotoStorage):
    def _save(self, name, content):
        if hasattr(content, 'seek') and hasattr(content, 'seekable') and content.seekable():
        return super()._save(name, content)

In short, we seek to the beginning of the file before saving it.

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