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Unable To Write Data Into A File Using Python

outfile = open(inputfile, 'w') outfile.write(argument) outfile.flush() os.fsync(outfile) outfile.close This is the code snippet. I am trying to write something into a file in pyth

Solution 1:

You are not calling the outfile.close method.

No need to flush here, just call close properly:

outfile = open(inputfile, 'w')

or better still, use the file object as a context manager:

withopen(inputfile, 'w') as outfile:

This is all presuming that argument is not an empty string, and that you are looking at the right file. If you are using a relative path in inputfile what absolute path is used depends on your current working directory and you could be looking at the wrong file to see if something has been written to it.

Solution 2:

Try with


note the brackets.


would only return the function-object and not really do anything.

Solution 3:

You wont see the data you have written into it until you flush or close the file. And in your case, you are not flushing/closing the file properly.

* flush the file andnotstdout - So you should invoke it as outfile.flush()
* close is a function. So you should invoke it as outfile.close()

So the correct snippet would be

  outfile = open(inputfile, 'w')

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