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Replace Special Characters In Python

I have some text coming from the web as such: £6.49 Obviously I would like this to be displayed as: £6.49 I have tried the following so far: s = url['title'] s = s.encode('utf8

Solution 1:

If, s=url['title'] makes s equal to this:

In [48]: s=u'Oscar Winners Best Pictures Box Set \xc2\xa36.49'

Then the problem is

  1. in the code that defines url,
  2. or else the content from the web is mal-formed.

If Case 1, we'd need to see the code that defines url.

If Case 2, a quick-and-dirty workaround would be to encode the unicode object s with the raw-unicode-escape codec:

In [49]: print(s)
Oscar Winners Best Pictures Box Set £6.49

In [50]: print(s.encode('raw-unicode-escape'))
Oscar Winners Best Pictures Box Set £6.49

See also this SO question.

Regarding titles like s=u'Star Trek XI £3.99': Again, it would be nice fix the problem before it gets to this stage -- perhaps by looking at how url is defined. But assuming the content from the web is mal-formed, a workaround would be:

In [86]: import re

In [87]: print(re.sub(r'&#x([a-fA-F\d]+);',lambda m: unichr(int(,base=16)),s))
Star Trek XI £3.99

A little bit of explanation:

Note that

In [51]: x=u'£'
In [53]: x.encode('utf-8')
Out[53]: '\xc2\xa3'

So the unicode object u'£', encoded with the utf-8 codec, becomes the string object '\xc2\xa3'.

Somehow, url['title'] is getting defined to be the unicode object u'\xc2\xa3'. (The u makes a big difference!)

Thus we have u'\xc2\xa3' when we desire '\xc2\xa3'. Encoding the unicode object u'\xc2\xa3' with the raw-unicode-escape codec transforms it to '\xc2\xa3'.

Solution 2:

Edit: you have your objects already in unicode. Seems to me there is no reason to actually use enocde/decode at all.

>>> printu'Oscar Winners Best Pictures Box Set \xc2\xa36.49'.replace(u'Â','')
Oscar Winners Best Pictures Box Set £6.49

However it seems to me that something is wrong there. The unicode objects are actually not unicode; see:

>>> print'Oscar Winners Best Pictures Box Set \xc2\xa36.49'.decode('utf8')
Oscar Winners Best Pictures Box Set £6.49

The repr() you posted should not be unicode object. That's why I was asking where are you getting the data, there is something wrong.

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