Yapsy Finding Plugins Through Eclipse Versus Cx_freeze Executable
Solution 1:
The way you describe your problem, it seems that yapsy is unable to load only one of all the plugins you've tested.
If I had to guess I would say that the plugin that doesn't load outside Eclipse has an import error (it's possible that the import path in Eclipse is different, and that this import error doesn't happen when tried inside Eclipse).
Of course, that's just a wild guess and to investigate a little deeper you can display more debug info via the Python logging module that Yapsy uses in a rather standard way.
To activate debug-level info you can use the following code:
import logging
If the problem remains unsolved you can still submit a bug to Yapsy's tracker with strimmed down version of your plugins and plugin manager code. The tracker is at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=208383
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