Why Does Python Rotatingfilehandler's "maxbytes " Not Work
Solution 1:
You need to read the documentation more carefully: you are missing the kwargs maxBytes
and backupCount
Replace this
handler = RotatingFileHandler(file_name, 'a+', MAX_LOG_SIZE)
for this
handler = RotatingFileHandler(file_name, 'a+', maxBytes=MAX_LOG_SIZE, backupCount=5)
Notice you shall set a backupCount
value that fits your needs, I just used a random one.
A further explanation of why your piece of code does not roll the file is because the value backupCount
is 0. See the following:
You can use the maxBytes and backupCount values to allow the file to rollover at a predetermined size. When the size is about to be exceeded, the file is closed and a new file is silently opened for output. Rollover occurs whenever the current log file is nearly maxBytes in length; but if either of maxBytes or backupCount is zero, rollover never occurs, so you generally want to set backupCount to at least 1, and have a non-zero maxBytes.
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