Update The Value Of An Attribute In A Postgresql Jsonb Array Of Objects Across Muliple Records
I am trying to update a value tit in three database records that is part of a jsonb array object to change the title of gid 1 to 'newTitle Group 1' from just 'group 1' using postgr
Solution 1:
Just need to use REPLACE()
function including ::text and ::jsonb conversions within the DB, without need of any extra operation in the python code :
UPDATE groups
SET grp = REPLACE(grp::text, '"tit": "group 1 "','"tit": "newTitle Group 1 "')::jsonb
Of course, it's possibile to add a where condition such as WHERE name IN ('harry', 'moe')
to restrict the update.
If you need to perform the update for a spesific record within the jsonb object such as
WHERE j->>'ona' = 'joe'
, then use jsonb_array_elements()
function within your statement as :
UPDATEgroupsAS g
SET grp = REPLACE(grp::text, '"tit": "group 1 "','"tit": "newTitle Group 1 "')::json
WHERE g.name IN ( SELECT g.name
FROMgroupsAS g
CROSSJOIN jsonb_array_elements(grp) AS j
WHERE j.value->>'ona'='joe' )
If you want to find the desired value(gid=1
in this case) within the jsonb column dynamically in order to derive the path, then it's possible to use jsonb_set()
function as :
SELECT ('{'||index-1||',tit}')::text[] AS path
FROMgroupsAS g2
CROSSJOIN jsonb_array_elements(grp)
WITH ORDINALITY arr(j,index)
WHERE j->>'gid'='1'
UPDATEgroupsAS g
SET grp = jsonb_set(grp,t.path,'"newTitle Group 1 "',false)
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