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Pyjwt Won't Import Jwt.algorithms (modulenotfounderror: No Module Named 'jwt.algorithms')

For some reason, PyJTW doesn't seem to work on my virtualenv on Ubuntu 16.04, but it worked fine on my local Windows machine (inside a venv too). I'm clueless, I've tried different

Solution 1:

I had the same issue. The error seems to be a conflict between the pyjwt and jwt modules (as mentioned by @vimalloc above). What worked for me was to run the following command (NOTE: I am using Python 3.6.10).

pip3 install -U pyjwt

Solution 2:

You shouldn’t have both the jwt and PyJWT packages installed, they have some namespace collisions. Try removing the jwt package and see if it works.

Solution 3:

It turned out to be an issue with my Python environment. I recreated it a few times, and eventually, it would work. I suspect that there are multiple jwt's that were somehow installed.

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