Firebird X32-x64 Bits
Solution 1:
You application need client libraries of Firebird.
[Application] <--> [Firebird client libraries] <==> (local or remote connection) <==> [Firebird client libraries] <-> [Firebird server]
If your application is Win64, then it needs Win64 client libraries of Firebird to make connection to ANY Firebird server.
So you need to distribute and install client libraries of Firebird matching your application architecture together with your app. Or you may require users to download and install client part of Firebird with the required architecture, before installing your app.
See also:
- connecting to firebird server from client
Solution 2:
If your app is 32bit than you need 32bit fb client dll/so to load, even on 64bit platform. You can connect on any compatible fbserver(regardless 64 or 32bit). So fb client lib(dll) issues are those you need to resolve. If you use fb as embedded library you need only one dll, and it must be compatible with your app binary interface and on 32bit system you need 32bit fbclient.dll to load. I hope this helps.
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