Zeromq + Django & Uwsgi Issues
Solution 1:
You have already tried all the right approaches (@postfork, --lazy-apps, --lazy...), so unless you are using a really outdated uWSGI version i can only suppose (as i see the zmq.sugar wrapper in place) that you need --enable-threads in the uWSGI options (but it would be the first time seeing it).
The problem arise because zmq context create a background thread and this thread is not inherited after fork().
Have you tried removing the master and using a single process (so removing the fork() presence) if things go better ?
Solution 2:
I also had such problem on uWSGI 1.9.13 from Ubuntu 13.10 repositoryes. But localy built 1.9.19 works fine.
Solution 3:
I tried all the different options and finally decided that the python uwsgi option would be the best for our setup. Instructions for the installation can be found at the following site
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