Replace Word, But Another Word With Same Letter Format Got Replaced
Solution 1:
That is because you replace bg
before bgt
(which is a bigger substring), you need to change the order.
Also, you don't need if any(x in word for x in "bg")
, that checks if every letter is present in the word and not if the substring is present in the same order, plus, you don't need any verification before using str.replace
, if the strin isn't there, it won't do anything
You just need
return kalimat.replace("bgt", "banget").replace("bg", "bang")
Better and not order-dependent
Use a dictionnary, and replace each word with its substitute
def slangwords(kalimat):
replacements = {
'bg': 'bang',
'bgt': 'banget'
words = kalimat.split(' ')
for i, word inenumerate(words):
words[i] = replacements.get(word, word)
return" ".join(words)
Solution 2:
You just need to reverse the order of replace:
def slangwords(kalimat):
words = kalimat.split(' ')
for word in words:
if any(x in word for x in "bgt"):
kalimat = kalimat.replace("bgt","banget")
if any(x in word for x in "bg"):
kalimat = kalimat.replace("bg","bang")
return kalimat
print(slangwords('bg bgt'))
If you would like to replace many words, you can put them in dictionary (note that the order matters here as well):
replace_words = { 'bgt' :'banget', 'bg': 'bang'}
words = kalimat.split(' ')
for word in words:
for wrd, repl in replace_words.items():
kalimat = kalimat.replace(wrd, repl)
return kalimat
Solution 3:
Here is another approach. You just need a dictionary of the substitutions. Using get
enable to set the default value if the jey is missing (here the same word).
def slangwords(kalimat, sub={'bg': 'bang', 'bgt': 'banget'}):
return' '.join([sub.get(w, w) for w in kalimat.split(' ')])
>>> slangwords('bg bgt abc')
'bang banget abc'
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